Saturday, February 2, 2008

Workers and Queen

In August 2007 we volunteered to work at Mark Robar's booth at the Washington County Fair. We met so many wonderful people during the two days we were there! But, I must confess, it was disheartening to learn that most of the visitors we spoke with did not know the difference between a honeybee, a yellow jacket, a wasp, or a hornet. (Where was everyone during 4th grade science class, we wondered?!) We tried to assure them the aggressive invaders at their picnics were most likely
NOT honeybees. Mark had arranged displays so fairgoers visiting his booth were able to view live bees in a glass observation hive, as well as photos of worker bees in the various stages of their development, and of the queen bee.

With our experience at the fairgrounds in mind, I thought a proper photo of bees ought to be included on this blog. The very large orange-colored bee at the center is the queen, those around her are worker bees.  

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