Saturday, February 16, 2008

The evolution of consciousness and honey bees

"...we cannot rely on those in positions of power and leadership to solve the myriad social and environmental issues with which we are currently faced. Just as the ultimate answer for solving the numerous difficulties facing humankind lies in the raising of our society's collective consciousness, the most desirable and permanent solution to the difficult times the honey bee is now experiencing also lies in the bee's evolutionary process, through the development of resistance to disease and parasitic pests. The goal of raising humanity's collective consciousness requires the raising of each individual's consciousness to the point where enough of us evolve to affect society as a whole. This is not something that can be forced or imposed upon individuals. It is a responsibility each of us must choose to take upon ourselves in our own time, when we are ready. So it is with the honey bee that the evolutionary process must take place one hive at a time. Just as with us humans, the bee creates its own future with each seemingly insignificant daily decision and activity..."

Ross Conrad, Natural Beekeeping

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