Monday, July 7, 2008

Still curious about the Stella

Cameron is also a friend of Deborah and Butch. We've all known each other forever, possibly longer. In fact, he is partially responsible for the outyard in Foster. When he told Deb I keep bees, she wanted to know more, and he gave me her telephone number at RiRa's one Saturday night. Thanks, Cam!

Anyway, when I posted the photograph of the Stella guitar hanging from the garden fence, I invited him to have a look. His email reply included a theory:

The garden looks great, and I agree that the guitar is an odd addition to a fence. Maybe it's so the deer can have dinner music while consuming the fruits of [Butch's] labor.

I laughed out loud. I hadn't considered dinner music for deer...and rabbits...and woodchucks...and...

When I deliver some honey to Deb this week I am going to have to ask about it.

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