Friday, May 16, 2008

"Good vibrations" in Charlestown, RI

We were asked to install bees in hives already located in a private garden in Charlestown. So, after completing our work for the day in the new outyard in Foster, Mike drove the remaining two packages of bees to their new home. Earlier in the month we'd met with the couple who own the garden to introduce ourselves. They've created a beautiful space.

(This photograph was also taken on 13 April as the new Charlestown packages were installed in these "previously enjoyed" hives.)

Earlier this month Mike was checking on these hives when one of the property owners came out to inquire about the bees' progress and well-being. The gentleman mentioned observing the bees on his plants while he worked in the garden and that, from time to time, he had been able to gently stroke them while they were pollinating the plants. As Mike talked about their conversation, I could imagine the gardener giving the bees a loving touch. How tender, I thought! How can you not adore people like this? I think the bees benefit from such loving attention though, naturally, I cannot say for certain.

We feel so grateful to these good, caring people in Foster and Charlestown who have invited our bees into their gardens.

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