Saturday, May 31, 2008

Manny hits #500!

The Red Sox playing the Baltimore Orioles at Camden Yards this evening. At 9:29 pm, just as I was about to upload this photo, we watched Manny Ramirez hit home run number 500.

Over the past few years Oriole Park at Camden Yards seems to have become "Fenway South" to those Sox fans who've made the trip to Baltimore to watch our team as tickets for home games become nearly impossible to purchase. It's a beautiful ball park not far from Baltimore's Inner Harbor. According to Wikipedia, "Camden Yards is just a short walk from Babe Ruth's birthplace, which is now a museum. Coincidentally, Ruth's father once owned a pub located in what is now center field of the stadium."

So now it's a party night in our house in celebration of Manny Ramirez--his 36th birthday yesterday and his 500th home run this evening! is that photograph of the honey bee pollinating my clematis last week. Click on the photo for an enlarged view.

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